Are LED Face Masks Safe for Eyes

Are LED Face Masks Safe for Eyes?

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In recent years, LED face masks have gained popularity as a treatment for various skin concerns, including acne, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. These light masks use different wavelengths of light, such as red and blue light, to target specific skin issues and promote skin rejuvenation. However, there have been concerns about the safety of LED face masks for the eyes. In this article, we will explore the potential risks and benefits of LED masks and provide guidelines for protecting your eyes during LED light therapy.

Understanding LED Face Masks

LED face masks are wearable devices that emit specific wavelengths of light to stimulate cellular activity in the skin. The most commonly used wavelengths in LED light therapy masks are red and blue light. Red LED light, with a wavelength range of 630 to 700 nm, is known for its ability to penetrate deeper into the skin and promote collagen production, reduce inflammation, and improve skin texture.1 Blue light, on the other hand, has a wavelength range of 400 to 470 nm and is primarily used to target acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation.2

Learn more about the benefits of red light therapy for wrinkles and red light therapy for acne in our blog.

LED face masks are designed to be worn over the face, allowing the light to be absorbed by the skin. The masks are typically used for a specified period, ranging from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the device and the manufacturer's instructions. These light masks are often used as part of a skincare routine and are considered a non-invasive alternative to more intensive treatments.

The Safety of LED Face Masks for Eyes

One of the main concerns regarding LED face masks is the potential harm they may cause to the eyes. The eyes are sensitive to light, especially to wavelengths in the blue light spectrum. Prolonged exposure to high-energy blue light can lead to retinal damage and other eye-related issues. However, it's important to note that the risk of eye damage from LED face masks is relatively low when used correctly and in moderation.

A systematic review conducted on the ocular safety of light therapy, including LED face masks, found that ocular complaints, such as ocular discomfort and vision problems, were reported in about 0% to 45% of the participants in studies involving light therapy. However, these complaints were not directly related to the use of LED face masks, and no evidence of ocular damage was found except in one case report where a person developed a maculopathy after using a photosensitizing antidepressant along with light therapy.3

Based on this review, it can be concluded that LED masks are generally safe for the eyes in physically healthy, unmedicated individuals. However, further research is needed to assess the ocular safety of LED face masks in people with pre-existing eye conditions or increased photosensitivity.3

Protecting Your Eyes During LED Face Mask Use

While LED face masks are generally safe for the eyes, it's essential to take precautions to protect your eyes during light therapy. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Use eye protection: Consider using protective eyewear, such as goggles or eye shields, while using the LED face mask. These accessories can help shield your eyes from direct exposure to the light and reduce the risk of potential eye damage.
  • Keep your eyes closed: If you choose not to use eye protection, make sure to keep your eyes closed during the LED therapy session. This will minimize the exposure of your eyes to the light and reduce the risk of any adverse effects.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions: Always read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your LED face mask. The instructions will provide specific guidelines on the recommended duration and frequency of use, as well as any precautions to be taken to protect your eyes.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional: If you have any pre-existing eye conditions or concerns about the safety of LED face masks for your eyes, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an ophthalmologist or dermatologist. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual circumstances.

Who Shouldn't Use LED Face Masks?

While LED face masks are generally considered safe for most individuals, there are certain groups of people who should exercise caution or avoid using these devices altogether. These include:

  • Individuals with pre-existing eye conditions: If you have any eye conditions, such as cataracts, glaucoma, or retinal disorders, it's important to consult with an eye specialist before using an LED face mask. They can assess the potential risks and benefits based on your specific condition.
  • Individuals taking photosensitizing medications: Some medications can make your skin more sensitive to light, increasing the risk of adverse effects from LED face masks. If you are taking any photosensitizing medications, such as certain antibiotics or antidepressants, it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before using an LED face mask.2
  • Individuals with known photosensitivity: If you have a known sensitivity to light or a history of photosensitivity reactions, it's important to exercise caution when using LED face masks. Talk to your healthcare provider for guidance on whether it's safe for you to use these devices.3

Explore Red Light Therapy Devices from Lifepro

LED face masks can be an effective and convenient tool for addressing various skin concerns. While there have been concerns about the safety of these devices for the eyes, the overall risk of eye damage from LED face masks is relatively low when used correctly. By following the recommended guidelines, such as using eye protection or keeping your eyes closed during light therapy, you can minimize the potential risks and enjoy the benefits of LED face masks for your skin.

However, it's important to note that if you have any pre-existing eye conditions or are taking photosensitizing medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using an LED face mask or any red light therapy device. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual circumstances and help ensure your safety during light therapy.3

Remember, your eye health is crucial, so it's essential to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions when using LED face masks or any other light therapy devices. By doing so, you can reap the benefits of these treatments while keeping your eyes protected and healthy.


  1. Sivaprasad S, Vasconcelos JC, Prevost AT, et al. Clinical efficacy and safety of a light mask for prevention of dark adaptation in treating and preventing progression of early diabetic macular oedema at 24 months (CLEOPATRA): a multicentre, phase 3, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2018;6(5):382-391. doi:10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30036-6
  2. Kim TG, Chung J, Han J, Jin KH, Shin JH, Moon SW. Photochemical Retinopathy induced by blue light emitted from a light-emitting diode Face Mask: A case report and literature review. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020;99(24):e20568. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000020568
  3. Brouwer A, Nguyen HT, Snoek FJ, et al. Light therapy: is it safe for the eyes?. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2017;136(6):534-548. doi:10.1111/acps.12785


Joel Gottehrer

Joel Gottehrer is the Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness and has dedicated his life to helping people transform theirs. With over 12 years of experience in the fitness industry as a personal trainer and owner of two personal training studios, Joel has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to helping transform lives. After suffering from physical injuries, Joel and his business partner, Abraham Brach, came together with a common goal to alleviate the pain caused by their injuries.

They continued to find themselves disappointed with the results stemming from various products promising to relieve their pain, and with that – Lifepro Fitness was born. Joel's mission is to have a positive impact on millions of lives with the Lifepro brand. Whether it's finding new and innovative ways to help people recover from injuries or developing products to improve overall wellness, Joel is always looking for ways to push the boundaries. Thanks to his commitment to help people live their lives free of pain, Lifepro has been able to do this for thousands of people since its founding in 2017.

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