dog on vibration plate

Vibration Plates: Which Price Range Will Meet Your Needs?

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When it comes to getting a strong full-body workout while undergoing rehabilitation, there is no simpler solution than a vibration plate.

There are all kinds of benefits to using a vibration plate, such as increasing metabolism speed, burning fat, muscle recovery, or even stress relief.

Just about anybody can take advantage of these benefits. The only question left to answer is which vibration plate will best suit your needs.

With ten distinct platforms from Lifepro, there are options that suit just about any budget or need. Below, we will break down these options by price.

$150-$300: Most of Lifepro’s vibration plates fall in this price range.

First, we have the Waver Mini, a true vibration plate meant to be used on-the-go. Just like all vibration plates, simply stand on the Waver Mini and use the remote control to toggle the vibration settings. The small size of this platform makes it the perfect solution to bring to the office or on vacation. It can ever help your pets!

Waver Mini

waver mini

But don’t let the Waver Mini’s small size fool you. It packs the same power as its full-size companion, the Waver vibration plate. The Waver is Lifepro’s most popular vibration plate. Small enough to easily store, yet large enough to stand out and make a noticeable impact in your life. Both of these platforms also have nine distinct program speeds.



Our advice? Start with the lower level programs and gradually build your way up as your recovery improves and you grow more confident in using the platforms.

The Waver line of vibration plates hone in on Whole Body Vibration (WBV). However, those are just one type of vibration you can get out of vibration plates. Lifepro’s Vivid vibration plate uses vertical vibrations.




Vertical vibrations work wonders for your lower body – especially when used in tangent with jumping movements. They increase blood flow to the legs, contact your leg muscles, and help you build up strength to move past plateaus and accelerate recovery.

The Vivid also comes with twenty speed settings and three preset programs, so feel free to work out to your heart’s content. And for a slightly larger vibration plate with all the same benefits and features, check out the Vivid Pro.

Vivid Pro

vivid pro

Besides Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) and Vertical Vibrations, another method of training is through 3D vibrations. 3D combines the power of WBV and Multidirectional Vibrations (MDV), making it even easier to recover from injuries, build strength, and soothe chronic pain. Two of Lifepro’s vibration platforms focus on this specifically.

The first of these platforms is the Hovert 3D. It’s built just like the Wave model, but with two motors for a full 3D workout. There are 3 specific motions: oscillating (up and down), lateral (side-to-side), and 3D (a combination of both). Take advantage of any of these options to fulfill your fitness and wellness goals.

Hovert 3D

hovert 3D

The other 3D vibrating platform is the Turbo 3D. Built much like the Hovert 3D, this vibration platform lets you perform all the same workouts and get all the same benefits, with an additional focus on recovery. The 3D vibrations for the Turbo have been programmed from the ground-up with pain relief in mind. From the moment you stand on the platform and begin your workout, the gentle vibrations provide 360 degrees of pain relief. This especially works wonders for those who suffer from chronic pain!

Turbo 3D

turbo 3D

$300 and up: The premier tier of Lifepro’s vibration plate offerings not only meet just about every need in the book, but go above and beyond to provide an elite experience that most vibration plates on the market simply will not offer.

The Hovert and Turbo vibration plates take advantage of 3D vibrations to accelerate recovery even further. But what happens when we turn the dial up a notch and use 4D vibrations? Let’s take a look at the Rumblex vibration platform.

Rumblex 4D

rumblex 4D

The Rumblex vibration platform uses 4D vibrations to give a great workout and accelerate recovery. 4D vibrations use oscillatory (up and down) and lateral (side-to-side) just like the 3D vibration platforms mentioned previously.

However, 4D vibrations add pulsating vibrations to the mix. These vibrations not only improve the quality of your workout, but they calm the nervous system, improve bone density, and even do wonders for your core.

This experience is made possible through the Rumblex’s three top-of-the-line motors. On top of this, the Rumblex includes 7 pre-programmed training modes to meet any of your workout needs. When you combine these programs with the power of a 4D workout, you get a powerful training program that activates more muscle fibers than you can even imagine.

For a silent workout experience, the Rumblex Plus has all the same features of the standard Rumblex, but without all the alarms, beeps, and other noises. Much like a cell phone set to “silent”, take advantage of all the platform’s features without disrupting a family member from their busy day or risk waking the baby!

Rumblex Plus


That’s not all. The Rumblex Plus was also built with your comfort in mind. The surface is much softer than the standard Rumblex, leading to a more comfortable workout and less stress on joints. Ultimately, this improves recovery time and makes the benefits of its 4D vibrations even stronger.

For powerful, quiet, complete comfort – there is no better option than the Rumblex Pro. With all the comfort, power, and the full 4D experience, the Rumblex Pro is the best of all worlds. It may be slightly larger than the other Rumblex models, but its frictionless, locking gel wheels make this platform easy to store under your couch or in your closet.

Rumblex Pro

rumblex pro

One last thing about the Rumblex models: each unit includes a hand-free remote. Simply attach it to your wrist (like a watch), and take advantage of its convenience from the get-go.

Aside from the Rumblex line, there is one last vibration platform that Lifepro offers. We’ve saved this one for last because it is the most unique of Lifepro’s offerings. This platform is called the Rhythm.



One of the most critical problems people face in their recovery are mobility issues. You have to learn to walk before you learn to run, after all!

Most vibration platforms are meant for those who are further along in recovery or aren’t suffering from mobility issues. The Rhythm’s handlebars make this a non-issue. If you have recently been injured or are just starting your recovery, stand on the Rhythm and grab the handlebars. This ensures safety and opens up a whole new world of recovery.

With speed settings from 1 to 99, the Rhythm’s vibrations can take you from a gentle workout to an intense training session in an instant. Plus, each handrail has built-in trackers to track both your heart rate and intensity.

Like every platform Lifepro offers, the Rhythm also includes a set of workout bands and clips to attach to the platform. With its unique shape, the Rhythm allows for other workouts to be done on the platform that simply can’t be done on others.

As you can see, Lifepro’s vibration platforms meet every need in the book. Whether your goal is to grow stronger, improve blood flow, get pain relief, or accelerate injury recovery – Lifepro has a platform for you. With such a wide array of options, there is something for every need and budget. Lifepro even offers monthly payments for the budget-conscious.


Joel Gottehrer

Joel Gottehrer is the Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness and has dedicated his life to helping people transform theirs. With over 12 years of experience in the fitness industry as a personal trainer and owner of two personal training studios, Joel has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to helping transform lives. After suffering from physical injuries, Joel and his business partner, Abraham Brach, came together with a common goal to alleviate the pain caused by their injuries.

They continued to find themselves disappointed with the results stemming from various products promising to relieve their pain, and with that – Lifepro Fitness was born. Joel's mission is to have a positive impact on millions of lives with the Lifepro brand. Whether it's finding new and innovative ways to help people recover from injuries or developing products to improve overall wellness, Joel is always looking for ways to push the boundaries. Thanks to his commitment to help people live their lives free of pain, Lifepro has been able to do this for thousands of people since its founding in 2017.

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